Ms. Gertrude Legendre
Did you know that Berkeley County was home to a World War II spy?
Ms. Gertrude Legendre: Explorer, Hunter, Socialite, Spy
Gertrude Sanford Legendre (March 29, 1902 – March 8, 2000) was an American socialite who served with the Office of Strategic Services, the American spy agency, during World War II. She was also an explorer, big-game hunter, environmentalist, and owner of Medway plantation in Berkeley County, South Carolina.
I have included two links for you to get to know more about Mrs. Legendre, there are also several books written about this extraordinary lady.
I had the privilege of knowing Mrs. Legendre and I must say I was mesmerized by her achievements and experiences. One experience that I personally was involved: One day at the Chamber I had a very tall gentlemen walk in and at once from his speech and dress you knew he was English. He had stopped for directions he was going to Medway Plantation but could not find it. I gave him directions and he thanked me and left. I went to the window there was a diplomatic car with the English flags flying and inside the car was Prince Charles of England. He had come to Medway to visit Ms. Legendre and go bird hunting.
Just another day in Berkeley County.
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